The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Labour closing gap in polls after ‘wobbly week’ for Tories


Labour is continuing to make ground on the Conservati­ves as the two main parties enter the final days of the general election campaign, according to a new opinion poll.

Ipsos Mori’s Political Monitor showed the gap closing to five points with the Tories on 45% – down four on two weeks ago – while Labour are up six on 40%.

The Liberal Democrats and Ukip are both unchanged, on 7% and 2%, respective­ly.

Theresa May remains voters’ preferred choice for Prime Minister although her personal rating is down six points on 50%.

One in three people – 35% – now support Jeremy Corbyn, an increase of six points for the Labour leader.

The findings follow a clutch of recent polls which have suggested the gap between the parties is narrowing.

Ipsos Mori’s head of political research, Gideon Skinner, said: “Here’s more evidence of the Conservati­ves’ wobbly week, with Labour improving again and the last two weeks of campaignin­g seeing a big hit to the Prime Minister’s personal ratings.

“But remember this is just a snapshot of a period of time, not a prediction – the Conservati­ve vote share remains high, May is still seen as the most capable PM, and they still have the support of older people.

“Meanwhile, Labour’s support still relies a great deal on younger people, who in the past have proven less likely to vote.”

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