The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

When Bestie ‘photobombe­d’ a shot after his big Vics debut

Former junior player recollects the day he played alongside an all-time legend


A former Tayside junior footballer has recalled how George Best “photobombe­d” his picture with Miss World.

David Johnstone, 55, from Dundee, grew up kicking a ball about in a back garden in Fintry with his big brother, Rangers legend Derek Johnstone.

However, ask Mr Johnstone who is the best player he ever played with and he answers without hesitation: “Sorry Derek but George always wins the day.”

Mr Johnstone, who still lives in the city where the seven Johnstone brothers grew up, played alongside Best during his time with junior side Arbroath Vics.

To celebrate the club’s centenary year, the Vics secured the-then 36-yearold Best’s services for a match against Arbroath FC and he scored twice in a 4-3 win at Gayfield.

This week marked the 35th anniversar­y of the famous game when the Manchester United legend arrived at Gayfield with Miss World Mary Stavin on his arm – and drank only tea.

“It was an amazing day,” said Mr Johnstone, who enjoyed a 10-year spell in the juniors before finishing his career in the amateur ranks.

“There had been rumours for a few weeks leading up to the game but we never knew for sure he was playing until about a week before.

“He was incredible on the day and completely down to Earth.

“His agent was Bill McMurdo, who I had met many times as he was Derek’s agent for a few years.

“I remember Bill came into the dressing room to wish us all the best and he spotted me and brought George right over to meet me.

“After the game we went back to the Vics’ social club for a question and answer session and the Vics players and officials got an hour with him for photos and autographs before the public got in.

“While there was a large queue waiting for George I managed to get Mary Stavin to have her photo taken with me.

“Just as we were posing George came over and moved into the picture. Who knows, maybe he was worried?!”

Arbroath Vics club secretary Jimmy Smith was an associate of McMurdo’s.

He chanced his arm and called McMurdo and the guest appearance was duly arranged although only a little more than 1,000 people attended the match.

Former Vics manager Ian Hardie said he had never given an easier team talk – pointing at Best, he told the players: “Give the ball to him.”

“The size of the crowd while disappoint­ing was still great for a junior club and to be honest we hardly noticed as we were all just delighted to have him there,” said Mr Johnstone. “Despite the talk of his alchohol problems he just drank pots of tea all day.”

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 ??  ?? Clockwise from left: David Johnstone, George Best and Mary Stavin in the “photobomb” snap; George Best lining up alongside David for Arbroath Vics and David today.
Clockwise from left: David Johnstone, George Best and Mary Stavin in the “photobomb” snap; George Best lining up alongside David for Arbroath Vics and David today.
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