The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Addict jailed for killing dealer ‘over a tenner’

Man jailed for frenzied knife attack in Kirkcaldy street


A Fife man who killed his drug dealer in a frenzied attack “over a tenner” has been jailed for 12 years and six months.

William Paterson, 46, previously pled guilty to the culpable homicide of James Beveridge in a Kirkcaldy street on October 15 last year and was sentenced at the High Court in Glasgow.

Paterson repeatedly stabbed 41-yearold Mr Beveridge on the head, neck and body with a knife before leaving him bleeding to death on the pavement in Farne Court.

Despite the severity of his wounds, Mr Beveridge managed to stumble to his feet and told his assailant: “You’re going down for a murder all over a tenner.”

Medical staff battled to save Mr Beveridge but he died the next day.

Lord Armstrong said: “I have no doubt that Mr Beveridge’s family will have been deeply affected by this and nothing I can say or do will compensate for their loss and no sentence will be sufficient in their eyes.”

Some of Mr Beveridge’s family members wept and embraced as they left the courtroom but made no comment.

The High Court previously heard how Paterson, who lived in the town’s Lismore Avenue, had fallen out with Mr Beveridge because he wanted to buy drugs on credit.

Detectives also suspected that Paterson wanted refunded over “dud” Valium tablets which he had previously purchased from Mr Beveridge.

However, the dealer refused to do business with his client and, after the pair exchanged text messages, they arranged to meet to resolve the dispute.

The court previously heard about the content of the texts sent between the two.

Prosecutio­n lawyer Ashley Edwards QC revealed: “The exchange of text messages provide a flavour of the row between the accused and the deceased over drugs and money.

“In a text timed at 5.50pm, the deceased told the accused that ‘Ah don’t do tick as they are not mine, so if you want to be like that, bring it on, I don’t need your business once a fortnight.’

“In response in a message to the deceased at 5.54pm, the accused texted ‘meet me now ya p***k I’m puttin’ my coat on. I’ll get you at the circle f***y.’”

Mr Beveridge suffered two superficia­l injuries during the altercatio­n but Paterson also inflicted a penetratin­g wound to the left side of his victim’s neck which pierced a main artery.

Defence solicitor Iain Paterson urged Lord Armstrong to show some leniency.

Mr Paterson said his client recognised the link between his actions and the misuse of alcohol and drugs, saying he intends to avoid them on his release and leave Fife altogether.

“He feels it is a place where he may well have some difficulti­es due to his connection­s with the deceased’s family being there, so he intends to try and get a fresh start,” the solicitor added. “He has displayed the appropriat­e remorse in relation to this tragic offence.”

 ??  ?? William Paterson pierced an artery in his victim’s neck with a knife.
William Paterson pierced an artery in his victim’s neck with a knife.

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