The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Getting to know you

Ahead of her gig at Dundee’s Gardyne Theatre on November 2, stand-up comedian Susie McCabe gives us insight into her life of laughter and acute observatio­ns


Q A What’s Anything. on Right your now iPod it’s theseold school days? U2. Q A Who’s Connolly youror Carlin. favourite comedian? Q Who’s your favourite James Bond actor? A Daniel Craig. Q What’s your favourite song, ever? A Depends on my mood. Just now it’s “Lust for Life”. Q Your house is on fire, what one item do you save? A If the animals and people are safe, probably my phone. Q Last meal on earth? A Chicken wings, steak and chips.

Q Happiest memory? A I don’t have a particular one but any happy memories I have are with my gran. Q And most embarrassi­ng?

A The time I smacked a woman’s bottom in the supermarke­t who was not who I thought it was. Q Biggest regret? A Not starting stand-up until I was 30. Q What are you proudest of? A Having a career I love and enjoy. Q What’s your motto? A Och, it will be a laugh. Q Who do you admire most? A My gran.

Q Who’s your favourite James Bond actor? A Daniel Craig

Q A GreenQ Theme“Good Day. Riddanceso­ng for (Time your of life? Your Life)” by A Maggie DreamRober­t Smith, Kennedy,dinner Julie partyBilly Walters. Connolly,guests? Q million?First thing you’d do if you won £1 A Go on holiday. Q power What and would name?be your superhero A I’d have x-ray eyes and be called creepy. Q City break or weekend in the country? A A bit of both. Probably city break. Q Home or abroad? A Abroad. I love Scotland but I love the sun more. Q What three words would your best friend use to describe you? A Tenacious, audacious and hilarious (I did ask – I never made this up). Q What was the worst punishment you had as a child? A Oh, being kept in.

Q And who do you detest? A No one in particular but Trump is pushing me to him. Q If you could turn back the clock what one thing would you change? A I’d look after myself better in my 20s. Q Who would you like to thank? A My friends who have stood by me during some tough times. Q What advice would you give to your younger self? A It’s all going to be fine. Q What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do? A Give up smoking. Q Who’s your biggest critic? A Myself. Q What keeps you awake at night? A Space and what is out there. Q Are you a rebel rebel or a teacher’s pet? A Rebel rebel. Q Write your own epitaph. A When you remember Susie, you smile and laugh.

 ??  ?? If James Bond were to ever save Susie, she hopes it would be Daniel Craig.
If James Bond were to ever save Susie, she hopes it would be Daniel Craig.
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