The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

TB outbreak confirmed in herd of cattle on the Isle of Skye


An outbreak of bovine Tuberculos­is (TB) has been confirmed in a herd of cattle on the Isle of Skye.

The Scottish Government yesterday confirmed the outbreak and said its source was unknown.

A Government spokesman said: “An outbreak of bovine TB has been confirmed in a herd of cattle on Skye.

“The infected herd is currently under restrictio­n whilst further testing is undertaken. The source of the infection is under investigat­ion.”

Farmers union NFU Scotland provided a comment from the owner of the cattle, who wishes to remain anonymous.

“The cattle that tested positive on the farm have been slaughtere­d and further laboratory tests are now under way to see if they have TB,” he said.

“Waiting for those results is very stressful but I want to get to the bottom of this, get my herd restrictio­ns lifted and get my TB-free status back as quickly as possible and I will work with the authoritie­s to do that.”

NFU Scotland said it was a “terrible time” for the affected farmer.

Government said despite the outbreak, Scotland’s status for the disease remained at TB-free.

To achieve official tuberculos­isfree (OTF) status, the percentage of bovine herds confirmed as infected must not exceed 0.1% of all herds per year, for six consecutiv­e years.

 ??  ?? The TB bacteria.
The TB bacteria.

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