The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Blake suffers new setback

ANGUS: Youngster back in hospital days after starting school

- Graeme sTrachan

A Tayside youngster battling a rare condition has suffered another setback just days after starting school.

Five-year-old Blake McMillan, from Carnoustie, suffers from MECP2 duplicatio­n syndrome and requires 24-hour care as he cannot walk, talk or eat.

Blake and mum Jenny were both admitted to hospital just as things looked like they were starting to settle down after a dramatic few months for the family.

Jenny told Blake’s followers on social media about what she described as “the latest in the saga that is our lives”.

She said: “Blake had to be admitted to HDU again as his tube blocked.

“We tried everything at home with no success. To top it off, I was extremely unwell.

“Fortunatel­y, Blake’s carer, Ian, was able to take him and stay with him till the early hours while they tried to unblock it. But it didn’t happen so he was kept in.

“They looked at the tube under x-ray guidance and discovered it was kinked in two places. It’s now been fixed but he’s having another issue with his output.”

Jenny said she “became so unwell” that for the first time in her life she was also admitted to hospital.

She added: “I can’t believe happening.”

The drama happened just days after Blake started primary school at Carlogie.

Jenny said it was a day she was not sure would happen after Blake’s neardeath drama just a few months ago.

“I genuinely did not think he would live to see this day, but once again he surprised and delighted us all by going into his new classroom with his friends and teachers,” she said.

He recently had life-saving treatment at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Edinburgh after becoming seriously unwell following an operation. this is

 ??  ?? Blake McMillan has just started primary school at Carlogie.
Blake McMillan has just started primary school at Carlogie.

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