The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Pride could bring a new celebratio­n into city

Talks already under way into viability of Dundee hosting event next year


Dundee could be set to host its own Pride festival, with talks between activists and council bosses under way.

Discussion­s are at a very early stage but an event steering group has been formed and is trying to locate suitable venues to bring the LGBT+ celebratio­n to the city.

A range of consultati­on events are to be held next month to discuss the viability of Dundee hosting an event next year.

Pink Saltire, a national LGBT+ charity, is involved in planning and organising the discussion­s.

According to Stuart Duffy, Pink Saltire’s founder, other areas, including Perthshire, could also be set to host their own Pride events.

Mr Duffy said: “We really need the community to step up and get involved in giving their views and helping organise a Pride here in Dundee.

“We were heavily involved in the planning and organising of the first Fife Pride in Kirkcaldy earlier this year and it takes a big team to make it a success. We know there are lots of people who support Pride but it takes commitment and time, so we need folk to come and get involved.

“So far, four meetings have been arranged in the city, all in the week September 11-September 14, with events at the Butterfly Cafe, DUSA, Klozet and in the council HQ.

“An online survey is also being launched in September to gather community views on some of the specific detail of what Pride should look like.”

He said there are four main events in Scotland, held on an annual basis in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Livingston and Fife.

Dundee joins teams planning Pride events in Dumfries and Galloway, Perthshire, Aberdeen and Forth Valley.

Barry Jordan is a youth and community developmen­t officer, who runs the Allsorts youth group for LGBT Youth Scotland in Dundee.

He said: “These consultati­on events will be a chance for the Dundee LGBT community to help shape and form what Pride should look like in Dundee.

“Many of the young people we work with have been looking to be involved in planning an event in Dundee for some time, with events happening in other places outside Glasgow and Edinburgh.

“We really hope the community will come out and show support for these events and make Dundee Pride happen.”

Dundee’s city developmen­t convener Lynne Short said she would be in full support of the city hosting its own celebratio­n.

“We have an events team ready, willing and able to partner an event but it has to come from the grass roots,” she said. “I would love to see it. It would add another layer of celebratio­n.”

There are more than 120 Prides held in the UK alone.

Traditiona­lly a protest for improved rights and protection­s, the events are also seen by many as a chance to have their voice heard and to be respected.

The Pride survey will be available from September 1 on the new Dundee Pride Facebook page.

 ??  ?? The Pride festival in Glasgow earlier this month. Talks are happening to bring a similar event to Dundee next year.
The Pride festival in Glasgow earlier this month. Talks are happening to bring a similar event to Dundee next year.

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