The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Domestic abuser threatened to kill victim’s family from dock


A Dunfermlin­e man made threats to kill two people in court as he was led from the dock to start his jail sentence.

The incident led to Paul McMullan, 35, of Gorrie Street, returning to the dock at Dunfermlin­e Sheriff Court and being given more jail time.

McMullan had been jailed in March following years of domestic abuse towards his ex-partner, and after being sentenced he then threatened her family members.

He admitted that on March 23, at Dunfermlin­e Sheriff Court, he behaved in a threatenin­g or abusive manner by uttering threats of violence.

Depute fiscal Azrah Yousaf explained that the mother and brother of the complainer were in court when McMullan was due to be sentenced.

The depute fiscal added: “Mr McMullan was given a 17-month sentence and when he was being led down to the cells he turned to the mother and brother and said ‘You’re f ****** dead’. This was seen by court officers.”

Defence agent Chris Sneddon said his client had been involved in relationsh­ips with two females at the same time and his current fiancée was in court on the day in question.

The couple had set their wedding date at the end of January.

Details of his behaviour were described in court that day and his client’s partner felt “humiliated”, said Mr Sneddon.

“Some people in court seemed to find it amusing he had been cheating on his partner.”

Sheriff Allison McKay jailed McMullan for a further 90 days when his current term expires at the start of December.

“You’ll get out in time for your wedding,” she told him.

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