The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Time to get tough on the litter louts


Sir, - Recently I listened to a report on Radio Scotland about litter cleaning on Crammond Beach.

Congratula­tions to the people who took part but I would like to make a point or two.

Firstly, an annual clear-up is grossly inadequate given the dirty, lazy habits of a significan­t proportion of our population which treats the environmen­t as an extension of the cowp.

Instead of sacking litter pickers, councils should be employing many more of them.

Yes, taxes will have to go up, so the authoritie­s need to have the guts to put them up.

The inequaliti­es in our society are a disgrace, with far too many people having much too much while many struggle to get by.

Another point – why don’t we bring in a Litter Tax on all fast food outlets?

When I pick up litter, not once a year but regularly, I more often than not find the same packaging.

If we taxed the companies whose litter is most frequently found then the money could be spent on litter picking.

A far greater effort needs to be put into educating and chastising litter droppers.

Offenders should be fined, preferably heavily.

Finally, why are ordinary people so reluctant to pick up litter?

I do it all the time but 99% of people turn a blind eye and walk past.

It is good to walk more and bend down – look how obese and unfit so many people have become. Jack Greenway. 98 The Esplanade, Broughty Ferry.

 ?? Picture: Kim Cessford. ?? Rubbish collected recently at Broughty Ferry beach.
Picture: Kim Cessford. Rubbish collected recently at Broughty Ferry beach.

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