The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Double road rage offender avoids jail term after threatenin­g antics


A driver who was involved in two road rage incidents within the space of a fortnight has avoided going to jail.

Gareth Johnstone, 29, of Calder Grove, Edinburgh, admitted that on September 2 last year at the Kingsgate Centre car park, Dunfermlin­e, he behaved in a threatenin­g or abusive manner by shouting and swearing at a woman and threatenin­g her with violence.

He also admitted on September 15 at Church Street, Inverkeith­ing, he assaulted a man by punching him on the head, and throwing a glass bottle at a stationary vehicle with passengers in it.

Depute-fiscal Carrie Stevens told Dunfermlin­e Sheriff Court the woman was driving her car at lunchtime when she saw the accused’s car behind her.

As she parked he came over and said: “Aw you’re a bird, I thought you were a dude. You’re lucky you’re a bird because I was going to batter you. You shouldn’t cut people up.”

Less than a fortnight later, a man was driving through Rosyth at 8.20pm with his wife and sixyear-old son when he became aware of a car close behind him.

The driver pulled over to let him pass but Johnstone stopped, got out, and shouted: “Come on then. Get out of the car”, before swearing and threatenin­g him with violence.

Johnstone then punched the man through the open window and threw a bottle at the car.

Solicitor Roshni Joshi said it was clear her client had “anger and anxiety issues”.

Sheriff MacNair told Johnstone: “These were two outrageous incidents of road rage committed within a fortnight.”

He ordered him to carry out 225 hours of unpaid work and imposed an 11-month restrictio­n of liberty order.

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