The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Free market is the answer


Sir, – Social mobility is at least as much of an issue here in the Lowlands of Scotland as it is down south, where former Labour government minister, Alan Milburn, and the three other commission­ers felt obliged to resign from the government’s social mobility commission.

The underlying assumption of the commission, and of all progressiv­e opinion, is that people are incapable of overcoming adversity or discrimina­tion and achieving anything for themselves without massive state ‘help.’

We have spent well over half a century in Britain testing this propositio­n, and unsurprisi­ngly it has completely failed.

Comprehens­ive education and the closure of selective schools took opportunit­y away from bright working class kids.

The tax and welfare systems are structured in such a way as promote welfare dependence and kill marriage.

Mass immigratio­n since the Blair years has depressed wages for working class people, while benefiting the well off.

The culture of grievance and victimhood, which progressiv­e politician­s have assiduousl­y cultivated, has demoralise­d, in both senses of the word, a great many people.

At the same time, it has brought great electoral benefits to the parties and politician­s, who promoted this destructiv­e mind set.

If we really want opportunit­y for all (and social mobility), we should promote optimism, self-help and free market policies. Whenever they have been tried, they have always worked. Otto Inglis. 6 Inveralmon­d Grove, Edinburgh.

RBS were happy enough to take ‘our’ money to stay afloat and now they think that they can treat us as trash! Well, the time has come to show them that we have had enough

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