The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Alcoholic found drunk at wheel keeps licence to get to AA meetings

Sheriff takes pity despite woman being found barely responsive


An alcoholic caught at the wheel in a drunken stupor has been allowed to keep her licence so she can drive to Alcoholics Anonymous meetings.

A sheriff took the decision not to ban Aldona Gilruth after being told she would not be able to get to the regular AA counsellin­g sessions.

Gilruth, 41, of Guildtown, admitted refusing to give a breath specimen on February 27 after being found in her car in Stormontfi­eld Road, Old Scone.

She was allowed to keep driving despite being found slumped at the wheel with her car stuck in the mud at the side of the road.

She was so heavily under the influence she did not respond when the police knocked her window and they eventually had to break into her car.

Sheriff William Wood said: “I have listened carefully to your circumstan­ces and the difficulti­es you have and note the steps you are taking to address these.

“In light of the circumstan­ces and the steps you have taken, I have decided not to exercise my discretion and I will entitle you to drive.”

Instead, he imposed 10 penalty points and fined her £630. Fiscal depute Robbie Brown told Perth Sheriff Court: “Her vehicle was found at 9.30pm by police officers. It wasn’t on the road, but at the side of the road.

“The accused was slumped in the driver’s seat, apparently asleep. The keys were in the ignition and there was alcohol found in the vehicle.

“The accused had clearly been drinking. She wasn’t particular­ly responsive and ignored the officers as they tried to gain entry.

“They had to force entry. She was removed and taken to police HQ where she simply refused to cooperate with them.

“The only comment she made was that she was tired and wanted a cigarette.”

John McLaughlin, defending, said: “Unfortunat­ely, she is an alcoholic and had been regularly attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. She had not had anything to drink since 2016.

“Tragically, a few days before this, a person she described as a best friend, committed suicide.

“She is known in her village so she drove to Scone and bought alcohol. She planned to spend the whole night drinking herself stupid then walking home. The car became bogged down.”

Mr McLaughlin added: “She attends three or four AA meetings a week, in Perth, Crieff, Auchterard­er and Dunfermlin­e. They are all at night and she drives to each of them.”

In 2012, Gilruth was banned for 15 months and fined £600 when she admitted an identical offence.

“she planned to spend the whole night drinking herself stupid then walking home

 ??  ?? Aldona Gilruth was not banned despite being found in a stupor at the wheel of her car.
Aldona Gilruth was not banned despite being found in a stupor at the wheel of her car.

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