The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Getting to know you

Jackie Bird will be presenting Hogmanay Live on the BBC tomorrow evening. Here, the former DC Thomson journalist shares some insights into her life


Jackie Bird is presenting Hogmanay Live on the BBC. We chat to the former DC Thomson journalist before her gig.

Q What’s your wish for 2018? A That all my family are happy and healthy.

Q What’s the high spot of your Christmas TV viewing?

A It’s not the telly, it’s the radio for me, specifical­ly The Archers. What’s going to happen with Lilian and Justin – are they going to get married or not?

Q Your house is on fire; what one item do you save? A Family aside, my special edition Wemyss Ware cat.

Q Theme song for your life? A That’s Life by Frank Sinatra.

Q Dream dinner party guests? A Billy Joel and Billy Connolly.

Q First thing you’d do if you won £1 million? A Take all the family on holiday to the Caribbean.

Q What would be your superhero power/name?

A My power would be to fly, and with a name like Jackie Bird I think that covers it!

Q Quiet night in or big night out? A Quiet night in – with wine.

Q City break or weekend in the country? A Weekend in the country, ideally Tighnabrui­ch.

Q Early bird or night owl? A Undoubtedl­y an early bird.

Q Save it or spend it? A Save it.

Q Home or abroad? A Abroad, in the Algarve.

Q Rebel rebel or teacher’s pet? A Teacher’s pet.

Q Could you save someone’s life if they were dying in the street? A Yes, I’ve been on various courses.

Q Most embarrassi­ng memory? A Too many to mention.

Q Early or late? A On time.

Q Cats or dogs? A Cats.

Q Sweet or savoury? A Savoury.

Q Biggest regret? A I don’t think I’ve got any – I tend to look forwards.

Q What are you proudest of? A Making my first documentar­y.

Q Who would you like to thank? A My parents.

Q What advice would you give to your younger self? A Sometimes to think before you speak.

Q What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do?

A I’m a terrible cyclist and I had to overcome my terror of the roads for a physical endurance race.

Q Hardest thing you’ve had to give up? A Wham Bars – they’re so bad for my teeth.

Q Do you give money to beggars? A No.

Q What’s your motto? A Kick down doors.

Q Write your own epitaph? A Who was she, again?

Q What keeps you awake at night? A Insomnia caused by the menopause.

Q What three words would your best friend use to describe you? A Loyal, loud, neurotic.

Q Where would you rather be right now? A Running on a beach in the Algarve.

Q Last meal on Earth? A Muesli – I love it. Breakfast is the best meal of the day

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