The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Three teenagers in court over city man’s death

COURT: Trio make no plea to charge of culpable homicide after 50-year-old died

- Paul malik

Three teenagers have appeared in court charged with causing the death of Dundee man John Watt.

The three, who cannot be named because of their age, appeared in private on petition from custody before Sheriff George Way yesterday.

Mr Watt, 50, was found in the early hours of Sunday morning on Albert Street. He died later that day, allegedly as the result of injuries suffered in an assault.

The three males, aged 15, 16 and 17, made no reply to a single charge brought before the court of culpable homicide.

It is alleged all three on Sunday January 7, while acting together, did assault John Watt, strike him on the head and cause him to fall to the ground and strike his head on the ground and they did kill him.

The 17-year-old was also allegedly on two separate bail orders when the offence is said to have taken place.

The case was continued for further examinatio­n and all three were remanded in custody.

All three will appear again at Dundee Sheriff Court for a second time, with the 15-year-old and 16-year-old expected to return in the next eight days.

It is still to be confirmed when the 17-year-old will next appear.

Tributes have been paid to Mr Watt, who was described by friends as “a really nice guy” by those who knew him.

Mr Watt spent his final hours on Sunday evening in his regular haunt, the Abode bar on St Andrews Street.

Acquaintan­ces of Mr Watt have unveiled a plaque in his memory fitted to his favourite seat in the pub.

The Abode’s owner, Karen Fox, said all who knew him in the establishm­ent were in shock after hearing about John’s death.

She said: “John had been in and left just after midnight.

“He had been complainin­g about a sore leg but apart from that he was fine.

“Watty (as he was known) came in every day. The whole pub is in total shock.

“Most of the regulars came in on Monday to raise a glass in his memory.

“We wanted to pay tribute in the pub, so we had a plaque made and fitted to his regular seat.”

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