The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

A tipping point?

Will the issue of journalist Carrie Gracie’s high-profile “unlawful pay discrimina­tion” case prove to be the tip of the iceberg? Michael Alexander reports


When it was revealed on Monday that Carrie Gracie had resigned as the BBC’s China editor, she said it was because she could not “collude” in a policy of “unlawful pay discrimina­tion” whereby male internatio­nal editors earned more than her £135,000-a-year salary.

After the BBC was forced to reveal last year that US editor Jon Sopel earned £200,000-£249,999, while Middle East editor Jeremy Bowen earned £150,000-£199,999, Ms Gracie said she had refused a £45,000 rise as it still left a “big gap” between her and her male counterpar­ts when all she wanted was to be “made equal”.

Ms Gracie – who has been at the BBC for more than 30 years – accused the BBC of having a “secretive and illegal pay culture” after it was revealed two thirds of its stars earning more than £150,000 were male.

The BBC said there was “no systemic discrimina­tion against women” and has pledged to close the gender pay gap by 2020.

But with private sector organisati­ons of 250 or more workers having to publish their own gender pay figures by April 4, could this just be the tip of the iceberg?

Debbie Thompson, Unison Fife Branch Secretary, said that once gender-based pay figures for companies are released, she is sure “widespread discrimina­tion of women across all sectors” will be revealed.

“I still find it hard to believe that, in this day and age, women still have to ‘fight’ to be treated equal to men when it comes to pay,” she said.

“We pride ourselves in being a progressiv­e country so you would think that equality across the board, including pay, would be a given, not something we would have to take through the courts to achieve.”

Jack Boyle, employment lawyer at Dundee law firm Blackadder­s, said the gender pay gap issue has been debated for decades. However, he said the topic is “undoubtedl­y more prominent now”.

He said: “The deadline [for mandatory reporting] is imminent so large employers who are unsure of their obligation­s should take advice soon.

“Employers must report on various statistics including the mean and median gender pay gap and informatio­n about bonus pay gaps based on gender.

“These reporting obligation­s can only be a good thing – ensuring transparen­cy – and publicisin­g gender pay figures will raise awareness of the underlying problem.”

Mr Boyle noted that many larger employers – including Easyjet, Virgin Money and Ladbrokes – had already reported. These reports demonstrat­ed that women were paid on average 52%, 33% and 15% less per hour than men, respective­ly.

However, he believes the new reporting obligation­s are “relatively toothless”.

He added: “Just three months ahead of the deadline, those employers who have reported are in the minority. There is no sanction for a failure to report. There have also been reports about figures which have been published being “improbable”.

“Many commentari­es have suggested that fears over reputation­al damage will be one of the main drivers for businesses reporting. Only time will tell whether this is so.”

Employment law experts say the regulation­s should not be confused with existing equal pay legislatio­n.

An organisati­on can have no gender pay gap but can still have specific cases breaching equal pay legislatio­n. Equally, an organisati­on can have a large gender pay gap without breaching equal pay legislatio­n.

In all likelihood however, the gender pay reporting will lead to more claims concerning equal pay.

The Shadow Secretary of State for Scotland and Kirkcaldy Labour MP, Lesley Laird, said: “It’s going to take more than matching current male wages to undo decades of pay inequality.

“That’s why Carrie Gracie was right to point out that simply “bridging the gap” does nothing to fix the fundamenta­l problem.

“Equal pay legislatio­n was introduced by Labour in 1970 and the real question to be asked is why so many businesses, both public and private, still think that it’s OK to pay women less – in many cases significan­tly less – than male colleagues doing the same work.

“But, sadly, they do, and then they want to squeal about how much it takes to pay the actual rate for the job. They don’t talk about the lost earning potential that a women has had over her working life. They don’t talk about the lesser pension contributi­ons made as a result of her being on a lower salary.

“Instead they’ve got a great deal – a cheaper resource doing a first-class job – and getting away with paying her significan­tly less than a male colleague. If they really wanted to talk about equalising pay then they should pay her the difference in salary that existed over the duration of her employment contract.”

Mid Fife and Glenrothes SNP MSP Jenny Gilruth , who has campaigned on equality issues, said that, as a former teacher and as an MSP, she is “extremely grateful” that her salaries have always been transparen­t as a matter of public record. She has never had to worry that a man might be getting paid more than her “simply because he was a man”.

Ms Gilruth said that in a “post-Weinstein era” there’s a need for greater transparen­cy on wage levels from all organisati­ons, whether that’s Fife House in Glenrothes or Broadcasti­ng House in London.

She added: “Carrie Grace should be commended for her courageous approach to calling out her former employer, an organisati­on to which she gave 30 years of her working life.

“I didn’t realise my licence fee was supporting and sustaining inequality. The BBC had ample opportunit­y to redress Carrie’s pay and to settle it privately. Instead they tried to buy her off.

“Workers should be paid fairly for the work they do, irrespecti­ve of gender. Legislatio­n has protected this right since the 1970s. It’s high time BBC execs realised that not paying half of their workforce in parity doesn’t just make bad business sense – it is actually illegal.”

Workers should be paid fairly for the work they do, irrespecti­ve of gender. Legislatio­n has protected this right since the 1970s. JENNY GILRUTH MSP

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 ?? Pictures: PA/George McLuskie. ?? Far left: journalist­s Carrie Gracie, left, and Kate Silverton leave BBC Broadcasti­ng House in London. Above: Jenny Gilruth. Left: Lesley Laird.
Pictures: PA/George McLuskie. Far left: journalist­s Carrie Gracie, left, and Kate Silverton leave BBC Broadcasti­ng House in London. Above: Jenny Gilruth. Left: Lesley Laird.

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