The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

We should get behind our PM


Sir, – Since the referendum result, I have been totally shocked about the attitude of the political world as well as the press and the people of the United Kingdom.

David Cameron sparked the referendum, clearly convinced that the people of Great Britain would never leave the EU.

When, to his shock and horror, the people of Great Britain chose to leave the EU, he did not have the courage to lead the country through this, self-inflicted, storm.

His attitude showed that there was no plan, at all, for ‘just in case’; he was too convinced, too arrogant, because he could never imagine that the UK would have the guts to choose to leave the EU, and just left the UK to its own devices.

Mrs Theresa May was brave and courageous enough to accept this job, and since then it seems that every single person – politician, reporter or newspaper – has been given the right to start ‘Theresabas­hing’.

The way she is treated, the humiliatin­g language, as well as names she has been given, is scandalous.

No one is perfect but isn’t it time that the UK started to realise that Theresa May has to deal with a major, nearly superhuman, task. I would not want to be in her place!

The task she has is so heavy and enormous one can only admire her stamina and willpower. The democratic result was clear, accept it, get on with it, stop screaming and talking about what might be, could be and may be, because no one knows, as no country has left the EU before. It is all uncharted territory.

Stop making the UK look like a fool by divide and rule, start supporting our prime minister, who has to deal with it all! Mrs M Cook. 74 Cash Feus, Strathmigl­o.

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