The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Community rallies round freezing homeless man

Man shivering in tent on beach given hotel room as storm approaches

- Claire warrender

A homeless man has escaped the worst of this week’s winter storm thanks to the generosity of a Fife community.

The man was found shivering in a tent on Burntislan­d beach on Sunday, just days before the arrival of the so-called Beast from the East.

But thanks to concerns raised by local man Darren Wapplingto­n, townsfolk united and donated cash to pay for a warm hotel room.

Hotel owner Jason Borthwick, who offered a room at The Sands Hotel, said the gesture had restored his faith in humanity.

“It’s fantastic that so many people got together so quickly to find a positive result for this man,” he said.

“He was delighted and very thankful and appreciati­ve.”

The story emerged as the country battened down the hatches ahead of the expected arrival of unseasonal­ly harsh conditions.

Dire weather warnings have been issued for much of the country.

Areas south of the border took much of the brunt of the storm yesterday, but today Scotland is expected to suffer from significan­t and prolonged periods of snowfall. Late last night it was announced all Fife schools would close today.

Up to 15 inches of snow is expected in some areas, with temperatur­es unlikely to rise much above zero.

A kind-hearted community has united to bring a freezing homeless man in from the cold.

With the “Beast from the East” due to hit large swathes of the UK, Burntislan­d folk were horrified by the plight of the man, known only as James, found shivering in a tent on the town’s beach.

But thanks to a Facebook appeal by local resident Darren Wapplingto­n, James was given a warm room in a hotel paid for by generous townsfolk.

Jason Borthwick, owner of The Sands Hotel and one of the first to respond to Darren’s post, said he had been overwhelme­d by the response of local people who rallied within minutes.

“The fact people have this spirit about them has restored my faith in humanity,” he said.

Darren stumbled across James as he was walking his dog on Sunday afternoon.

He later posted on Facebook: “James was very matter of fact about living in a tent. However, having seen the terrible weather forecast for the week would anyone be interested in contributi­ng to funding him accommodat­ion for a few days?”

He also urged local hotels or B&Bs to do a special rate for James and added: “Not a lasting solution but given the weather it would be a particular­ly horrendous time to be rough sleeping.”

Jason stepped forward to offer his services and donations began pouring in to cover the cost of the stay.

“I had a spare room and he was welcome to it,” he said.

“Then people were coming in to the hotel to drop off money for him and there’s in excess of £100 so far.

“I don’t know how long he’ll be here because the council have been to speak to him and we’re hopeful he’ll be sorted out with something.

“I’m not here to make money out of James’s situation, just to cover my costs, so if there’s cash left over when he leaves I’ll ask people if they want me to give it to him or to a homeless charity.

“It’s fantastic that so many people got together so quickly to find a positive result for this man.”

The fact people have this spirit has restored my faith in humanity. JASON BORTHWICK THE SANDS HOTEL

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