The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Couple admit having sex in full public view

Pair refused to stop what they were doing despite being told to do so by the CCTV operator who caught them


A couple have admitted romping under the Tay Road Bridge in broad daylight in full view of onlookers.

Frank Watt and Cheryl Johnstone both admitted a charge of public indecency after they had sex within public view at 2.15pm on November 5 last year.

Johnstone, 32, was caught performing oral sex on 31-year-old-Watt by a CCTV operator who demanded the couple stop.

However, upon returning to his control room, the operator could see the couple had instead engaged in full sex.

Several members of the public saw the pair, who were putting their clothes back on when police arrived.

Watt of Tulloch Court, Dundee, and Johnstone, of Hilltown Court, Dundee, will be sentenced next month and have been placed on the sex offenders register.

The court heard that, at 2.15pm on the afternoon of November 5, a CCTV operator became aware of both the accused standing on the base of a concrete pillar near to a public footpath under the Tay Road Bridge.

An operator could see Johnstone performing oral sex on Watt, which continued for a number of minutes.

He then shouted at the two accused to stop what they were doing.

However, after returning to the control room, he saw the pair had resumed oral sex.

Both the accused were then seen to pull their trousers down, fully exposing their genitals and then engaging in sexual intercours­e with each other.

Procurator fiscal Isma Mukhtar said: “While they were doing this, several members of the public were seen to walk past. They did not stop.

“By the time police arrived the accused were getting their clothes back on but both appeared to be under the influence of drugs.

“Watt fully admitted to police at the time what he had been doing and the pair were then detained.”

Watt also admitted to possessing 3.2g of cannabis worth £10.

Sheriff John Rafferty deferred sentence until April 9 for criminal justice social work reports with bail granted subject to the pair registerin­g on the sex offenders register.

 ??  ?? Frank Watt and Cheryl Johnstone were caught engaging in a sex act in a public place.
Frank Watt and Cheryl Johnstone were caught engaging in a sex act in a public place.

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