The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Community spirit during adverse weather praised in Parliament


Kind-hearted communitie­s have been praised in Parliament for their generosity of spirit during last month’s blizzards.

With many towns and villages cut off during the severe snow, which closed schools and left shops running low on supplies, the public pulled together.

Now, the exceptiona­l effort shown by so many organisati­ons, businesses and individual­s has been recognised by North East Fife MP Stephen Gethins, who has put down a motion in the UK Parliament praising those involved.

He said: “The strength of community spirit shown across north-east Fife during recent difficult weather conditions was amazing and to recognise this I put down an early-day motion in Parliament.

“Some parts of the constituen­cy were particular­ly badly affected like the East Neuk, Cupar and the Howe, and despite this, farmers, parents, community groups like rugby clubs, businesses and other services, including our retained fire crews, all pulled together to clear roads and paths, ensure that elderly people were not isolated and made sure vital supplies of food and prescripti­ons were delivered.

“Nurses and other health care workers also went above and beyond to ensure hospitals and health centres were staffed.

“I know of some nurses who stayed on in hospitals because they knew their colleagues couldn’t get in, while those unable to get to work helped where they could more locally.

“There was also a huge display of support to a Facebook appeal for supplies for Cameron Hospital by The Courier, which I shared.

“This shows just how involved everyone was in making sure those who needed help got it.”

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