The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Cold opening to Lake of Menteith’s 2018 season

- Fisheries, clubs and individual­s who would like their news included in this column should email sales@angusangli­ or contact Neil Anderson on 01307 466366 or 07759 022503. Tight Lines!

The LAKE OF MENTEITH was opened by Dougie McGilp from Lochgilphe­ad, who read his famous poem “Blankety Blank”, writes our angling correspond­ent.

This season marks manager Quintin Glen’s 20th year and was probably the coldest start of the 20.

It was also pointed out by chairman Alan Simpson to be the 100th season of stocking the lake.

Stocking started in 1918 in an effort to increase food production after the slaughter of WW1.

Some good catches were taken in Hotel Bay, the Road Shore and Lochend, with Sandy Bay also providing some good catches and the best shelter in the Easterly wind. Stockies were apparently on the brighter stuff and resident fish were on the nymphs and buzzers, intermedia­te lines seemed to work the best.

FORBES OF KINGENNIE. Although there were some days when the weather was so bad that no anglers ventured out to the ponds, there were also pockets of decent weather which some used to their advantage.

On the Boathouse Pool, Jock Leslie returned 10 fish and Kenny Johnstone released eight.

Yellow dancer, black diawl Bachs and black/ green lures were the most successful flies.

The deeper Burnside Pool was more fickle but Peter Thompson returned a fine rainbow estimated at 6lbs.

Frank Sherriff also had a successful morning releasing four rainbows. Buzzers and various cormorant patterns were the better options.

Conditions on the Bankside Pool were very challengin­g in the fierce easterly winds. Preferred flies were buzzers (dark olive or black) and various damsel patterns.

Powerbait fished deep beneath a float produced the best results although mepps type spinners also had some success.

NEWTON FARM FISHERY. Another steady week at Newton despite the harsh weather. The Deaf A/C fished on Saturday with some members taking kill tickets and some were on catch and release. A total of 11 were killed for 26lb and another 18 returned.

Steven Scobie managed 16 on Tuesday, including two at 6lbs and 10lbs. Top tactics have been buzzers, cormies, white bunny leech and yellow dancers fished slowly.

MONIKIE. All ponds opened on Wednesday but there was no fishing on Thursday and Friday due to high winds.

Things have picked up this week, with Monikie Stalwarts Dave Roy and Willie Milne landed several fish yesterday and a visitor landed nine as well.

The fish appear to be well spread with favoured drift along the Craigton Bank. Slow glass lines with orange blobs and dawson olives appear to be best.

Some notable returns include Les Young and Bob McLellan on Island Pond keeping six for 11lb 12ozs, Peter Glen and Keith Robertson on Island Pond keeping four for 9lb 12ozs, Kenny Dickson and Ian Walton on Island Pond keeping five for 9lb 6ozs, H Lewis and C Lewis on North Pond keeping five for 10lb 8ozs and D Hamilton on North Pond keeping four for 8lbs 15ozs.

ORCHILL LOCH. Last Thursday the Tartan Arms AC paid a visit with the few who braved the wind and rain taking 10 weighing 28lbs 12oz.

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