The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Drunk teen who caused mayhem in Dunfermlin­e avoids custody.

gridlock: Roads closed as drunken 19-year-old threw bricks at buses and stones at police officers

- Gary FiTzpaTric­k

A drunken lout who brought traffic in Dunfermlin­e town centre to a halt by throwing bricks at vehicles has avoided a custodial sentence.

James Haggerty, 19, threatened police with a pole and hurled rocks at buses.

He later asked how many hits the incident would receive on Facebook and YouTube.

The town centre traffic was at gridlock during a tea-time rush hour when road closures were put in place.

Police officers were brought in from outside Fife to help cope with the escalating situation before Haggerty finally gave himself up.

When he appeared for sentencing at Dunfermlin­e Sheriff Court, defence solicitor Katrina Clark asked for “pity and leniency” to be shown.

She said he had been assaulted during his time on remand at Polmont Young Offenders’ Institutio­n.

“He’s told me he fears for his life,” she told the court.

Haggerty previously admitted that on January 23 in Carnegie Drive, he conducted himself in a disorderly manner by repeatedly shouting, swearing, brandished metal poles, challenged the police to fight, made threats to harm himself and committed a breach of the peace.

He also admitted he culpably, recklessly and with utter disregard for the consequenc­es, repeatedly threw stones, rubble and metal objects from a height of 20 feet at moving traffic, patrol cars and police officers, uprooted a power cable to the danger of people.

Depute fiscal Sarah Lumsden previously told the court the incident occurred after police tried to execute an arrest warrant granted after Haggerty failed to turn up for a court date.

At around 3.40pm a detective was on the phone to Haggerty when he told him: “Look over to B&Q.”

Haggerty had climbed up on to a ledge above the car park at a retail park and told police he had taken “14 Valium, speed and four bottles of alcohol”, said the depute.

Haggerty began to throw stones at police vehicles arriving at the scene, striking their windows.

Road closures were put in place and these were extended as the incident continued.

Haggerty continued to throw stones at police and rocks at passing buses and so both carriagewa­ys of Carnegie Drive were closed.

He finally gave himself up to police at 5.40pm and he was taken to hospital for a check-up.

Haggerty was staying in Mackie Place, Dunfermlin­e, at the time.

He was already on a community payback order.

Sheriff Pino Di Emidio said the offence would “normally attract a very substantia­l period of imprisonme­nt”.

However, he decided instead to impose another community payback order with three years’ supervisio­n and a 10-month restrictio­n of liberty order.

He’s told me he fears for his life. DEFENCE SOLICITOR KATRINA CLARK

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