The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Getting to know you

Actor Hazel Darwin-Edwards shares her inner thoughts ahead of her childrens’ show The Attic, which runs at The Byre Theatre, St Andrews on May 5


Q Which actors, alive or dead, inspire you?

A Gowan Calder and Keith McLeish who are in the show with me. Judi Dench and Antony Sher (who sadly aren’t in this show with me!).

Q What was your plan B career-wise?

A I wanted to work for the SSPCA until I realised how sad it must be to be around so many mistreated animals every day.

Q Your house is on fire, what one item do you save?

A If family and goldfish are safe, I’d just grab whatever’s closest to me – just to have a physical object as a token to remember the story of the fire by. But there’s not one thing more precious to me than everything else. Q Theme song for your life? A I love Kylie’s new song, Dancing!

Q Last meal on earth?

A Ottolenghi’s Chraimeh salmon steaks, with good chips and mayo, and a large glass of Malbec, followed by a cup of melted dark chocolate to drink, please.

Q Dream dinner party guests?

A Kirsty Young (she’s met so many interestin­g people and would be great at asking everyone questions), JK Rowling, author Jackie Kay, Nicola Sturgeon and Jo Brand.

Q First thing you’d do if you won £1 million?

A Throw a wild and extravagan­t party for my friends on a remote island somewhere.

Q What would be your superhero power/name?

A I’d love an amazing singing voice, so I just sing and the whole room stops to listen. You can make anyone feel happy, dance or cry whenever you start singing. Q Happiest memory? A The birth of my son. Q And most embarrassi­ng? A I can’t say, my mum might read this!

Q Biggest regret?

A I got my mum to send a complaint letter to my art teacher about a mess up to do with the exams. I now realise he was an amazing teacher who I was incredibly lucky to have in my life, and I was an ungrateful, ridiculous teenager! Q What are you proudest of? A Giving birth to a small human! Q Who do you admire most? A My amazing mum and my fantastic husband. Q And who do you detest? A People who don’t recycle glass. C’mon, it’s not so hard.

Q If you could turn back the clock what one thing would you change?

A I’d have developed better eating habits as a child. Would have saved me a lot of stress.

Q Who would you like to thank?

A My amazing drama teachers and youth theatre leaders for lighting the fire.

Q What advice would you give to your younger self?

A Don’t be scared of exercise – trust me, you will actually start to enjoy it and it’s really good for you mentally as well as physically. Q What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do? A I ran the Seven Hills of Edinburgh race last year, that was pretty hard. Q Hardest thing you’ve had to give up? A My crush on Gary Barlow when I realised our political difference­s. Q Could you save someone’s life if they were dying in the street? A I hope so, I just did a first aid course last week, I could try!

Q What was the worst punishment you had as a child?

A Being grounded while all my friends went camping for chewing gum at the dinner table. Harsh! Q Rebel rebel or teacher’s pet? A Rebellious teacher’s pet. Q What’s your motto? A You get out what you put in. Q What keeps you awake at night? A My toddler! Q Where’d you rather be right now? A Running on a beach. Q Write your own epitaph. A Never afraid of love.

 ?? Picture: PA. ?? A crush on Gary Barlow was the hardest thing that Hazel has ever had to give up.
Picture: PA. A crush on Gary Barlow was the hardest thing that Hazel has ever had to give up.
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