The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Drugs passed in prison kiss


A prisoner’s passionate kiss with his male visitor aroused suspicion and officers intervened to discover drugs were being passed between them.

Inmate Graham Lomas locked tongues with Alexander Hamilton at the end of visiting time and the couple had to be pulled apart.

Perth Sheriff Court heard yesterday Hamilton had taken a package of buprenorph­ine into Perth Prison and passed it on during the kiss. The package was in Lomas’s throat by the time officers grabbed him but he was able to regurgitat­e it and it was recovered and later analysed. It was found to have a value of £45.

Depute fiscal Carol Whyte told the court: “It was close to the end of visiting time on January 27 this year. Prison officers saw the accused hug and kiss a prisoner.

“They formed the view that an item had been passed between them. They immediatel­y intervened and the prisoner was able to return the item from the back of his throat.”

Solicitor Lee Qumsieh, defending said: “Someone asked him to attend the prison and bring this package with him. He foolishly agreed to do so.

“He has a lengthy record but by and large he has been out of trouble in recent years. He is desperate to avoid a period in custody because he feels that may lead him back to associatin­g with people he has done in years gone by.”

Sheriff Gillian Wade deferred sentence for reports and Hamilton, 46, Kelly Court, Glenrothes, was granted bail. He admitted supplying the drug to Lomas on January 27.

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