The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Ian Roache returns to karate as Dundee prepares to welcome world

Ian Roache goes back to karate class as city gets ready for next month’s WUKF World Championsh­ips

- Twitter: @C_IRoache

There is not even a vague memory left intact from the last time I did karate.

However, I would guess that I would have taken my new Smiths album off the record player, put on my bleached jeans and trendy Pringle jumper, shoved my crumpled suit and belt into my bag, and joined my dad in his trusty Volvo for a lift to the gym at St Clement’s Primary School in Dundee. Yes, 1985 was a wee while ago. Several pounds heavier, a few curly locks missing and over three decades older, I somehow persuaded myself that the ideal way to mark the hosting of the seventh WUKF World Karate Championsh­ips by my home city would be to give the martial art another go.

Kanzen Karate Scotland, the mastermind­s behind what will be one of the biggest events of the year in Dundee, welcomed me with open arms.

Roy O’Kane, a man whose in-tray would shame a prime minister, has been transforme­d from chief instructor into manager, organiser, PR executive, liaison officer, coordinato­r etc. Indeed, the only time he seems to be off the phone is when he is teaching at his club’s impressive premises at Manhattan Works.

So it is crunch time for Kanzen and its members, with the clock ticking down to the greatest show in town at Dundee Ice Arena from June 14 to 17.

Yet, they still had time to embrace my grand plan to see if there was a punch and a kick still in there somewhere after a childhood spent learning the Shotokan style with first the Satori club then a move with Sensei Rab Kane over to Tenshinkan, where I would earn my black belt at the age of 14. To add to the drama, I planned to go in cold. Not for me any sneaky stretching exercises or going over old moves in the living room. A bit of swimming in the days leading up to it to make sure I didn’t totally seize up and I was good to go – or at least I hoped I was.

This wasn’t just jumping in at the deep end, this was climbing to the top of the Olympia diving board and throwing myself off.

Kanzen kindly supplied me with a gi (karate suit) after the optimistic attempt to get into my old one caused much hilarity at home.

My belt had faded in colour after years spent pinned up on my bedroom wall – as only a daft teenager could do with such a prized possession – but, remarkably, it made it twice around the body … just.

I had kidded myself that I would be able to hide at the back of the class, away from the critical eye of Sensei O’Kane, but that hope was quickly dashed.

Instead, I lined up alongside my fellow black belts and was told, in no uncertain terms, that I would be expected to play a full part in proceeding­s.

Quite rightly, too, because these guys had a world championsh­ips to prepare for and couldn’t be expected to mollycoddl­e a gate-crashing journalist.

After some warm-up exercises – mercifully not as repetitive and numerous as I recall from back in the day – it was on to the action.

I was particular­ly impressed by the way the sensei broke down every technique as he clearly explained and demonstrat­ed to class. His aim is to achieve a deeper understand­ing of what are, after all, very intricate and ancient moves that deserve respect.

My fight partner for the evening was the very understand­ing Mark Faulkner, who indulged me when I lost count of the blows and blocks or failed to understand simple instructio­ns.

By now, I was beginning to really enjoy myself but then I was ordered to the centre of the floor by the sensei. There was no hiding place, with several dozen eyes fixed upon me as I acted as his partner for a demonstrat­ion.

I survived the ordeal, albeit not quite unscathed as my chest proved itself no barrier to one or two expertly-executed choku-zukis.

My sweat-drenched face was now resembling Niagara Falls and the only break for me came when the others went through their katas, which is a series of moves that can be extremely graceful.

This was shown by an elegant demonstrat­ion from instructor Cyrielle Maroteau as she performed the kata with which she will be competing at the championsh­ips.

Before I knew it, we were saying our goodbyes and I wished the Kanzen team all the best for the worlds.

I left the dojo pretty pleased with myself but any smiles were wiped away the following morning to be replaced by grimaces as several aches and pains greeted me when I woke up.

It was worth it, though, and if you fancy trying out karate then there is no better time than now.

After all, you will soon have the world for company.

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