The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Police investigat­e bottle attack in city street

Young man seriously injured in early-morning incident following birthday party celebratio­n


Police are investigat­ing a brutal bottle attack outside a Perth supermarke­t.

A young man was seriously injured during a fracas in the city’s North Muirton early yesterday.

He is understood to have been part of a group of 50 to 60 people who were celebratin­g an 18th birthday.

Operators received a 999 call about an apparent stabbing on Argyll Road, at the rear of a Co-op outlet, just after 1am.

The area, which is used as a bus terminus, was cordoned off throughout yesterday, while forensic teams combed for clues.

Evidence markers were placed on the ground next to broken bottles and smashed glass.

The group of young men and women had been celebratin­g at the nearby Mallard Bar on Saturday.

Revellers said the party was in good spirits, with no reports of trouble. The pub closed at midnight and the party spilled outside.

Neighbours said there were dozens of people standing in the street after closing time.

“We had our windows open because of the heat,” one resident said.

“The racket from outside was keeping us awake. It seemed good-natured at first, but then there was a lot of raised voices and swearing.”

He said: “I didn’t see what happened, but next thing I knew there were blue flashing lights everywhere.”

A spokesman for the Mallard Bar stressed that the pub was shut when the incident happened.

A Police Scotland spokesman said inquiries were ongoing.

The victim’s details or informatio­n about his condition have not been released.

 ?? Picture: Phil Hannah. ?? Police at the scene of the incident on Argyll Road, Perth, yesterday.
Picture: Phil Hannah. Police at the scene of the incident on Argyll Road, Perth, yesterday.

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