The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Words alone cannot build bridges


Despite dire warnings and prediction­s in the lead-up, a major Orange Order march in Fife at the weekend passed off relatively peacefully. There had been fears the annual display of pageantry by one side of the religious divide would stoke trouble, not least on a hot weekend when political tensions are already high.

Adding controvers­ial DUP leader Arlene Foster to the mix had the potential to bring matters to the boil.

Thankfully, as is usual, supporters and objectors largely behaved themselves — in public, if not on social media — with just a few pockets of disturbanc­e reported.

Ms Foster used her address to the marchers and onlookers to call for literal and metaphoric­al bridge building.

Many scoffed as much at her notion of closing the religious and cultural divide between Catholics and Protestant­s as they did at the idea of a road bridge between Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Both are nice ideas but seem somewhat unattainab­le at present.

Although the magic money tree was shaken to sweeten the deal between the DUP and Tory government, it is unlikely to reap more fruit for a cross-sea bridge.

Orange Order marches unashamedl­y celebrate a past which attendees have every right to revel in but until a more forward-thinking outlook is taken, it seems likely Ms Foster’s more lofty wish will, similarly, go unrealised.

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