The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)



As I enter my third year as prime minister I am clear about my mission. To deliver a Brexit deal that sets the UK up to succeed; to press on with a programme of economic and social reform; and to renew my party in government to turn our vision of a stronger and fairer United Kingdom into a reality for all our citizens”.

Theresa May.

The danger of disunity at the top of the party is not just

that it makes the prime minister’s job more difficult in negotiatio­ns with Brussels, and therefore puts at risk the good Brexit deal that is in reach, it also gives an impression of division to the country. Electorate­s these days are volatile, but one thing is certain: they do not vote for divided parties.

Sir Graham Brady, chairman of the 1922 Committee of Tory MPs.

I feel like I’m done with Bubble, my character in

Absolutely Fabulous. Pratfalls feel a bit like something I did in my 20s and 30s. It doesn’t quite sit as comfortabl­y, now I’m older.

Actress Jane Horrocks, 54.

America at its best is big, beautiful and diverse, like our great city of Los Angeles. Can you imagine this city without the contributi­ons of immigrants? How bland, how flavourles­s LA would be, how boring.

US model and TV presenter Chrissy Teigen.

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