The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)



Many people voted from the heart to leave the European Union. My job as Prime Minister is to deliver for them, but also I’ve got to be hard-headed and practical about this and do it in a way that ensures we get the best interests for the UK.”

Theresa May.

This Brexit is just mush.”

Former prime minister Tony Blair denounces Mrs May’s proposals.

As a society, we can’t switch off the internet and nor would we want to. But we must make sure that everyone, especially children, can navigate the virtual world, as well as knowing when it’s time to step away and make the most of the real one.” Education Secretary Damian Hinds.

It’s easy to put a smile on and say ‘Everything is absolutely fine!’ But when you’re running, with your music on, you can cry. You can scream. That’s important.

Tana Ramsay, wife of chef Gordon Ramsay.

It’s a very hard life, probably any of the arts, but particular­ly acting because there’s never enough success, and there’s always another failure.”

Actor Ethan Hawke.

My bottom is so big it’s got its own gravitatio­nal field.”

TV’s Carol Vorderman.

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