The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Memorial attack is fourth in months


The attack on Methil Mill Cemetery is the fourth such sickening incident in Fife in just four months.

In March, vandals wreaked havoc in the remote Culross Cemetery in west Fife, destroying a bench and leaving tyre marks on grass verges.

Fortunatel­y, on that occasion there was no damage to headstones but people who had laid loved ones to rest there were distressed and an appeal for informatio­n was issued by police.

Three days later, Elie Parish Church was hit and significan­t damage caused to a white marble grave plaque in what was described as a despicable act of vandalism.

Then in June, Cowdenbeat­h residents were horrified to discover the town’s war memorial had been damaged after it was set on fire by teenagers.

The incident followed a bout of anti-social behaviour in the town when derelict buildings and playparks were hit but locals were particular­ly angered by the attack on the memorial.

Perhaps the most shocking attack however, was two years ago when 65 headstones were knocked over at Leslie Cemetery in an act of wanton vandalism.

Thousands of pounds worth of damage was done in the weekend wrecking spree which led to increased high-visibility police patrols and talk of installing CCTV cameras in a bid to prevent a repeat occurrence.

The destructio­n was branded both despicable and mindless and police said it had caused a great deal of anxiety locally.

A local councillor at the time branded the desecratio­n an act of “sacrilege”.

 ??  ?? A damaged memorial stone in Elie.
A damaged memorial stone in Elie.

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