The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Man jailed after drunken Lochore vandalism spree

Benarty primary forced to close after damage


A drunken lout caused £30,000 worth of damage to a Fife primary school in a vandalism spree.

Benarty Primary School in Lochore had to be closed for several days after it was trashed by Dale Richardson, who claimed later he remembered nothing about it.

Members of the public went to investigat­e after the alarm was activated but Richardson continued to smash windows, doors and computers.

Richardson, 22, of Rosewell Drive, Lochore, appeared for sentencing at Dunfermlin­e Sheriff Court.

He previously admitted that on May 1 last year at Benarty Primary School, Lochleven Road, Lochore, he maliciousl­y destroyed or damaged property. He smashed windows, broke doors, destroyed computer equipment and damaged other items.

The court was told that at 7.15pm Richardson was caught on CCTV cameras attempting to enter the school via a door. The alarm was activated and attracted the attention of members of the public.

Police were contacted and arrived just after 7.30pm. Officers saw a broken window and could hear noise coming from the far end of the school.

They then saw the accused escaping from the area via a garage roof but he was detained at around 8.20pm.

When interviewe­d by police Richardson said he was not responsibl­e and claimed it must have been someone who looked like him.

Defence solicitor Alexander Flett said his client has a “learning difficulty” and was extremely drunk at the time.

“He has no recollecti­on of being at the school. He had been drinking alcohol with family members,” he added.

“It was something of a surprise to him when he was questioned by police about the matter.”

Sheriff Charles MacNair told Richardson: “This was a remarkable piece of malicious damage. You went to the school and were clearly there for some time causing damage throughout.

“The school was closed for some days which would have had an impact on the children and their families.”

The sheriff jailed Richardson for 220 days.

He has no recollecti­on of being at the school. He had been drinking alcohol with family. DEFENCE SOLICITOR ALEXANDER FLETT

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