The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

We are fortunate to have NHS Scotland


Sir, – After decades, during which my closest contact with NHS Scotland involved visits to friends and relatives, I found myself in need of major surgery, and over the last few months, I’ve had contact with the Queen Margaret, Dunfermlin­e, the Victoria, Kirkcaldy, and the Western General and Royal in Edinburgh.

My experience has been most enlighteni­ng and has also involved the Ambulance Service and post-operative care from the OT Nurse and a team of district nurses.

All have been excellent.

In Intensive Care, I was made to feel I was the most important patient in the hospital, if not the world!

We are indeed fortunate.

In Kirkcaldy we have the Queen’s Surgeon as a consultant, and in Edinburgh, a brilliant team of young surgeons who regularly perform world class operations.

Throughout my illness I have enjoyed a level of dedication, care and compassion which extended beyond me to my family and is perhaps best described in Hemingway’s phrase as “grace under pressure”.

I also discovered that student nurses in Scotland receive annual grants of £6,000 to see them through a threeyear course, whereas our friends down south receive nothing.

An immediate pay rise of 3% was granted whilst I was in hospital, (still not enough), but comparing well with the 6% spread over four years down south.

This is why I find it offensive, if not loathsome, to put up with the savage criticism of NHS Scotland, so often prevalent in the media, and there for purely political reasons. Joseph G Miller. 44 Gardeners Street, Dunfermlin­e.

 ??  ?? Queen Margaret Hospital, Dunfermlin­e, one of many places a correspond­ent received excellent care from NHS Scotland staff.
Queen Margaret Hospital, Dunfermlin­e, one of many places a correspond­ent received excellent care from NHS Scotland staff.

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