The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

MP claims flight path consultati­on was ‘flawed from day one’

Anger over decisionma­king process for E7a proposals


A Fife MP has written to air regulators to convince them a consultati­on for a new Fife flight path was “flawed from day one”.

The move follows a recent meeting between Lesley Laird and Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) representa­tives to discuss Edinburgh Airport’s Airspace change proposal for flight path E7a.

The altered flight path has sparked anger among affected communitie­s, which include Aberdour, Inverkeith­ing, Dalgety Bay and North Queensferr­y.

Mrs Laird, MP for Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeat­h, said: “At the meeting with the CAA I learned that the airport’s consultati­on has to abide by rules known as the ‘Gunning Principles’.

“These include the need for the airport to suggest ideas, retain an open mind, and consider feedback before making a final decision.

“It’s clear to me that the E7a consultati­on failed to meet that test requiremen­t.”

She added: “This is Edinburgh Airport’s third proposal for this flight path area and, despite previous calls from the Aberdour community asking for flights to track along the Forth, this latest proposal brings jets closer to residentia­l areas than ever before.

“That clearly suggests airport planners are not listening and have already made a decision – with commercial reasons driving it.”

Edinburgh Airport held a public meeting in Inverkeith­ing during the consultati­on – organised only after Lesley’s request – during which angry residents said noise from jet aircraft would make their lives a misery.

After pressure from the MP, the airport agreed to extend the month-long consultati­on by a week – but no longer.

“Feedback at that meeting and complaints to my office repeatedly flagged up that content in consultati­on documents was woefully short on details and hadn’t been distribute­d widely enough in any case,” Mrs Laird continued.

She concluded: “It just seems like this consultati­on was designed as an afterthoug­ht. It’s impossible to see, by any stretch of the imaginatio­n, how Edinburgh Airport has satisfied the guidelines of what constitute­s a fair consultati­on process. I think this consultati­on was flawed from day one and I would urge the CAA to take cognisance of the issues I’ve raised before reaching a conclusion.”

A spokesman for Edinburgh Airport said: “We believe our consultati­on to be sound, clear and we are getting a great response. We’ve had good dialogue with the communitie­s we’re targeting and wider at public meetings, on social media and in their responses via the post or on the website.

“Our goal here is just that – to stimulate debate and actively listen to communitie­s’ views on our proposals.

“We’ll then actively consider what we learn and look at that against the proposals we put out.”

It’s impossible to see, by any stretch of the imaginatio­n, how Edinburgh Airport has satisfied the guidelines of what constitute­s a fair consultati­on process. LESLEY LAIRD MP

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