The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Couple’s Porsche lifeboat road trip gets ready for Fife stopover


Fife crews will welcome a couple aiming to visit all 238 RNLI lifeboat stations in 911 hours to raise money for the charity.

Belinda and James Richardson, from Bermondsey, will arrive in their Porsche 911 in Queensferr­y on August 27 before crossing into the Kingdom to visit Kinghorn and Anstruther.

They will head for Broughty Ferry, Arbroath, Montrose and Stonehaven the following day.

Already planning a retirement trip, their challenge was inspired by the work of the RNLI shown in the BBC documentar­y Saving Lives At Sea.

In their orange 911, they hope their coast-to-coast adventure will raise £56,644, £238 for each stop on the 7,000-mile journey.

James said: “We have been fervent supporters of the RNLI since owning an inflatable on the Thames over 20 years ago.

“We have had a passion for owning a Porsche 911 for more than 50 years. We want to put something back into society by supporting a truly worthy cause such as the RNLI.

“We are always at our happiest when visiting the British Isles coastline – come sun, wind or storm.

“The purpose of the challenge is to raise funds for the RNLI, to raise awareness of the RNLI and to set ourselves a ‘once in a lifetime’ challenge for the benefit of others.

“The RNLI rescues thousands and saves hundreds of lives at sea every year and it cost £177.3 million to run in 2016.”

Belinda and James will set off from Teddington Lifeboat station on August 23 and will spend 10 hours on the road each day. They hope to finish at Tower Lifeboat station on the Thames on September 30.

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