The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)



Mr C Martin-Prud’homme and Miss A E Mackay

The engagement is announced between Christophe­r, son of M. et Mme Bruno Martin Prud’ homme, of Blanzaguet St. Cybard, France, and Anna Erina, daughter of Mr and Mrs John Mackay of Rosewell, Kirriemuir.

I am pleased that the government has introduced early learning.

If a child, when they finally start primary, does not grasp the basics of reading and writing their peers will run off and leave them behind, and if this is not picked up at five then they may switch off altogether and leave school with a reading and writing age of a six or seven-year-old.

This will handicap that child all the way into adulthood, they will have difficulty finding a job and not be able to write a letter, fill out a form or have any real confidence during interviews.

They will be blighted for life, as will their offspring, as they will likely have low wage, zero hour contract jobs and are unlikely to be able to offer the kind of financial stability and good start a family needs.

On the TV news recently a young mother said her son was so upset over having to take a test that she refused to let him take the test, instead assuring him that it did not matter how good or bad he did on the test, no one is going to chastise you.

That is hardly the right attitude.

That small child may indeed need extra help, but will slip through the net if this is not spotted early on.

And whose fault will that be?

Not the likes of Willie Rennie as they will be long gone.

These politician­s are merely trying to further their own careers by simply bleating that everything the SNP do is bad.

They are playing politics at the expense of our children’s education. Walter Hamilton. Flat 3,

City Park, St Andrews.

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