The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Plea to help reinstate model village that was destroyed by mistake

Creation that became popular visitor attraction was taken down by man who built it

- Rab Elder, left, and Alan Ratcliffe beside the village not long after it was created at the recycling centre in Pittenweem. Picture: George McLuskie. CLAIRE WARRENDER

A rallying call has gone out to the public to help rebuild a popular model village destroyed by mistake.

A group has been formed in the hope of recreating the settlement at Pittenweem recycling centre.

The creation attracted a cult following and was visited by celebritie­s including Still Game creator Greg Hemphill and actors from the Harry Potter films.

A public meeting will be held next week to persuade people to donate items and assist with the building process.

The village was created by worker Rab Elder who gradually put it together over five years.

Items were donated by children who wanted to see their outgrown toys included in Rab’s masterpiec­e rather than thrown into a skip.

By the start of this year it included several houses, roads, a railway, a harbour with boats, a playpark and even a zoo.

Locals were heartbroke­n when Rab was told the village would have to go when he retired in June.

Rather than see it bulldozed by the council, the 63-year-old decided to dismantle it himself.

He said: “It was my pride and joy and what took five years to build was destroyed within five hours.

“I was told I wouldn’t be allowed to come in and maintain it once I retired because I wasn’t insured.

“I thought, well, I’m the one that built it so I’m the one that’s going to take it down.”

Rab, from Buckhaven, said the village had been immensely popular as a tourist attraction with visitors from as far away as Australia and Africa keen to have their picture taken with it.

He has now pledged to help anyone who wants to rebuild the village.

“It will never be the same but if people want to get involved, I’ll help,” he said.

Resource Efficient Solutions, the arms-length organisati­on which runs Fife’s recycling sites, confirmed the creation did not need to be removed and said it would be happy to work with the community to reinstate it.

Anyone who would like to get involved should contact James Glen on 01333 720378 or email james@designfife.

The public meeting takes place at Pittenweem town hall on Tuesday at 7pm.

It was my pride and joy and what took five years to build was destroyed within five hours. RAB ELDER

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