The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Tory hopeful urged to quit by-election for online remarks

Apology by candidate for ‘inappropri­ate’ posts

- STEWART ALEXANDER Dave Coleman is standing in the Inverkeith­ing and Dalgety Bay by-election.

Calls have been made for a Fife Conservati­ve candidate to stand down after inappropri­ate comments were posted on his social media account.

Dave Coleman, who is standing in the Inverkeith­ing and Dalgety Bay by-election next month, made the derogatory remarks on Facebook in April 2010.

The 54-year-old posted a status containing an offensive term aimed at people with special needs and disabiliti­es.

Mr Coleman added a second comment just days later saying: “Chavs to the left of me, pikeys to the right… here I am shopping in Lidls with you.”

The posts, which have since been removed or made private, have been slammed by the candidate’s opponents.

Billy Pollock, Scottish Labour’s byelection candidate, said: “Anyone who mocks people with disabiliti­es is not fit to represent the electorate.

“Mr Coleman’s Tory Party are a party that are driving people to the depths of despair with their savage cuts and yet he has the audacity to mock those suffering from mental health issues.”

He said Mr Coleman should be suspended and an investigat­ion launched.

SNP candidate Neale Hanvey branded the posts “totally unacceptab­le”, adding: “Dave Coleman should stand down from the contest at once – if not then Ruth Davidson must remove him.”

Apologisin­g, Mr Coleman said: “These were daft comments made as a joke eight years ago and I understand that this isn’t the kind of language expected of a councillor. I sincerely apologise to anyone upset by them.”

The by-election is being held on September 6 to replace now-shadow secretary of state for Scotland Lesley Laird.

The Scottish Conservati­ves rejected the calls for Mr Coleman’s removal.

A spokesman said: “Dave Coleman has apologised sincerely for any offence these comments have caused.

“They were made thoughtles­sly eight years ago and he realises just how inappropri­ate they are.”

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