The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Marchers share the same goal


Sir, – I had to have a laugh at the letter in Thursday’s Courier from Allan Sutherland regarding the marches for independen­ce.

Firstly his account of the numbers is somewhat at odds with the police account.

However, the numbers aren’t really the issue

He appears to think these marches are an embarrassm­ent to Scotland.

Well, that is an opinion he is entitled to hold although probably around half the country might disagree with it.

He also talks about his beloved Scotland.

Well, the people that go on these marches feel the same way but the difference is they are prepared to do something about it.

These marches have passed off without incident apart from a very small bunch of union flag-clad people with a megaphone.

Peaceful demos are part of the democratic process and people should be allowed to demonstrat­e.

The marches are not organised by the SNP, hence the name of “All Under One Banner”.

People involved in the wider independen­ce movement are involved in many different ways to reach the goal.

Some prefer to march, some prefer to work through the SNP and some prefer to write columns.

Whatever the preferred method of those involved, it is a growing movement with diverse opinions.

However, we all know that Mr Sutherland blames the SNP for just about everything and his latest letter pretty much confirms that.

Bryan Auchterlon­ie, Bluebell Cottage, Perth.

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