The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Prayer can create change


Sir, – I refer to your article regarding the backlash against the Rev Scott Burton for his speech at the Perth Pride march apologisin­g to the LGBT community for the abuse they have suffered at the hands of the Church (“Minister faces backlash for opening Pride event”, Courier, August 15).

I agree that over the years the Church has unfairly condemned homosexual­ity in relation to Romans 1.

In that chapter of the bible, homosexual­ity is just one of the many flaws that are mentioned including envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice and gossip.

Those other flaws are rarely preached on when an exegesis is done of Romans 1.

However, as someone who struggles with same sex attraction and has been celibate for 18 years – which of course is my choice – I believe that God’s love is conditiona­l on repentance which was not mentioned by Scott Burton.

However, the other churches who are condemning this move need to actually wake up.

The Church as a whole is asleep when it comes to prayer.

I tried to organise several prayer meetings over the last four months, contacting all evangelica­l

churches to come together and pray for this event, happening in this city.

Out of eight churches I contacted, the average number of people at our meetings was four, which is rather pathetic.

Instead of condemning Scott Burton and his speech, perhaps the churches and people need to ask themselves where were they when they were asked to come and pray on this issue?

Prayer changes things, condemnati­on and criticism does not. Gordon Kennedy.

117 Simpson Square, Perth.

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