The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Designer dog trend a danger


Sir, – There is no doubt we are a nation of dog lovers.

However, society moves in terms of trends and the increasing flavour of the day is for the designer dog.

Now even that in itself would not be a problem, but this has led to highly over inflated prices for dogs which, in whatever ways they are parcelled up, are mongrels.

Were one to advertise a mongrel for sale at prices often exceeding £1,000 then I suspect there would be few takers, but put two pedigree dogs together then crown the result by a fancy name and bingo, the wallets are pulled out and money is no object.

Some might use the old cliché “a fool and his money are soon parted” but that would not be the real point.

Instead there are unscrupulo­us puppy farms and ever willing puppy farmers out there eager to exploit the desire for these dogs and the wealth generated, keeping a battery of breeding bitches and dogs in squalid, often disease ridden conditions and engaged in repetitive litters, wholly unconcerne­d for the welfare of the dogs.

Thus the unsuspecti­ng punter enters into a purchase, spends further sums of money at the vets, often with heartbreak­ing consequenc­es.

One other point to be considered; if the owner wishes to take a litter from a designer dog, what type does he go to, because it is then akin to opening a can of worms, not knowing what to expect in the second generation and thereafter?

If the results are not as expected, who then wants these puppies?

The inherent dangers lie in abandonmen­t and the resultant increased pressures on our dog charity trusts.

May this trend end itself soon.

David Thomson. 24 Laurence Park, Kinglassie.

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