The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Finau feels ‘blessed’ to just be on the US team

A career of slogging away from modest means has finally borne fruit


Tony Finau is a little different than the rest of the American team – and not just because of he is of Polynesian descent and only just escaped playing the islanders’ preferred sport of rugby like his dad and brother.

He’s also not a former cossetted college boy or country club brat like all the rest of the US team.

Finau turned pro when he was 17, never had a scholarshi­p, slogged his way through mini-tours, tried and failed six times to qualify for the Tour – the second division of American pro golf – before he eventually found his way there.

His parents were of modest means and made huge sacrifices to help Tony make his way in the game.

His dad would trawl pawn shops for clubs so he could play, his first set was a second-hand throwaway set of irons gifted to him by a pro at a par three course.

“There’s a lot of great athletes all over the world and some of them don’t have the access or opportunit­y to play the game of golf and I definitely didn’t growing up,” he said. “We really didn’t have the funds for me to play, now looking back at how expensive this game is.

“Hopefully, my story inspires other kids and other families to know if there’s a will, there’s a way and this game has a lot to offer.

“I’ve been extremely blessed to play this game and I feel like I’m very early in my career and have already been pretty blessed.”

Still only 29, he is now at the biggest team event in the world of golf – and still cannot quite believe it.

“You look at our guys on our team and the guys on the European team – for me to be in this, it’s just so cool,” he said.

“I had six years on mini-tours and it’s not a glamorous life, believe me. It was tough financiall­y.

“Getting through qualifying school to reach the PGA Tour, that gave me such a lot of confidence.”

Now he is here, he sees heroes like Michael Jordan in the locker room – he was a decent basketball player.

“I mean, it’s extremely special to be on a team with Tiger (Woods) and Phil (Mickelson),” he said. “Those guys were my golfing idols growing up and I think pretty much the other 10 guys on the team can say the same thing.

“This is a special Ryder Cup for us and I think this is a very special one for them, as well. To be on a team with Tiger and Phil is a dream come true and I think we have that extra motivation to try and win one for them.”

 ?? Picture: Getty. ?? Tony Finau has worked his way up from modest beginnings.
Picture: Getty. Tony Finau has worked his way up from modest beginnings.

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