The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Politician­s must unite behind Theresa May


Sir, – I am totally appalled by the shocking abuse directed toward our prime minister Theresa May.

When the outcome of the EU referendum was clear and Mr Cameron left as he was not willing nor able to take on this challenge, no one was there to take over.

They were all too afraid to take on a heavy and very complicate­d task.

Only Mrs May showed the guts and courage to take over.

Since then there has been an awful lot of backstabbi­ng and a lot of finger pointing but precious few ideas.

All the hard-Brexit supporters seem to forget that they should be putting the public first.

They get very well paid to serve the country but often only seem to be serving themselves.

Their behaviour is damaging and is making a fool of the UK in front of the whole world.

Meanwhile, first minister Nicola Sturgeon is behaving like a child, saying “It’s not fair because Northern Ireland gets more than me”.

If Mrs Sturgeon had thought a bit further, she would realise that Scotland has no similar border between north and south so different rules do apply.

I admire the stamina and courage of our prime minister because, in spite of all adversity, she carries on.

Whatever deal is made, no one will be satisfied but please can all the MPs and MSPs finally stop all the fuss, and unite behind Mrs May and to the public job they are paid to do on behalf of this country’s tax payers?

Maaike Cook. Cash Feus, Strathmigl­o.

 ?? Picture: PA. ?? Time to unite behind Prime Minister Theresa May.
Picture: PA. Time to unite behind Prime Minister Theresa May.

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