The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Contestant’s son born one minute after programme


Masterchef contestant Dean Banks has spoken of his delight at becoming a father, just one minute after the culinary competitio­n went off air and said he looks forward to showing the programme to the couple’s new son when he is older.

He said: “My fiancé Isabela had been in labour all day and gave birth just after the programme ended – it was amazing timing.”

Dean said his phone had “lit up” after the show, with people sending congratula­tions on the birth of Felix, but for the show as well.

“I’ve had thousands of people sending congratula­tions, including people I don’t know, everyone just seems to be so happy for us, which is great.

“We have decided to call him Felix, and he weighed 7lb 7oz.

“At 53 centimetre­s, he’s a tall baby, I think he may grow up to be tall like his dad.”

“I have never seen Isabela so happy in her life – she was very determined to have a natural birth, and she managed to have one, so she was very lucky.”

The proud father who originally comes from Arbroath, also heaped praise on Angus as a place to raise a family: “My partner Isabela isn’t from the UK, but she loves Scotland, and it was her suggestion that we settled down here.

“She loves Scotland as much as I do, the culture, the weather, everything about it and that is why we moved back here.

“It’s great to be back in Scotland and be part of a community again.

“I think Scotland is very community based, and just to be part of something like this

“My family is all in Angus and I was brought up in Angus myself, and I want to have a family-orientated upbringing for my son.

“I’ve travelled the world, and now I’m ready to be part of the family again.

“With technology such as iplayer, I hope one day to show the progamme to Felix and say this is what was being broadcast as you were born!”

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