The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Pyjama drink-driver nearly seven times limit


A pyjama-clad motorist who was found to be nearly seven times over the drink-drive limit has been banned from the road for 16 months.

Stephanie Gellatly, 48, who appeared in the dock at Perth Sheriff Court wearing checked pyjama bottoms and Crocs, was also fined £600.

The court was told Gellatly had been seen swerving across into the oncoming carriagewa­y and back onto the verge before coming to a complete standstill in the centre of the road.

A following motorist had been so concerned about her condition that she removed the keys from the ignition of Gellatly’s car and waited for the police to arrive.

The court was told that when she gave a positive roadside breath test the reading was equivalent to almost seven times the legal limit.

Solicitor Pauline Cullerton, defending, said: “She is a first offender and has never been in trouble with the police before.

“She takes full responsibi­lity for this offence and does not make any attempt to justify or minimise it. She acted impulsivel­y and is extremely ashamed and embarrasse­d to find herself in court as a first offender at the age of 48.

“Thankfully nothing happened, but she is well aware that this could have been much worse than it was.”

Sheriff Gillian Wade told Gellatly: “You have issues, but the way to deal with them is not to drink copious amounts of alcohol and drive on public roads where you constitute­d a danger to other people.”

Depute fiscal Michael Sweeney said: “A witness was driving with her young children on the B954 Newtyle to Meigle road at 7.15 pm when they saw the accused’s vehicle swerving all over the road.

“It was swerving into the oncoming carriagewa­y and onto the grass verge. She was described as slowing down and speeding up and then she suddenly stopped in the middle of the carriagewa­y.”

Gellatly, Coupar Angus Road, Muirhead, Angus, admitted drinkdrivi­ng with a reading of 106 mics on December 20.

 ??  ?? Stephanie Gellatly was fined £600 and given a 16-month driving ban.
Stephanie Gellatly was fined £600 and given a 16-month driving ban.

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