The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Concerns over ‘worrying trend’ in life expectancy

Austerity and outbreaks of flu said to have played a part


Growth in life expectancy in Scotland has stalled and health inequaliti­es have widened, according to new reports.

Austerity and severe flu outbreaks have been blamed for the “worrying” statistics in the NHS Health Scotland papers.

The country has seen the slowest life expectancy increase since at least the late 1970s, while death rates have begun to rise for people living in the poorest areas.

Life expectancy had shown steady progress in Scotland since the Second World War.

Dr Gerry McCartney, head of the public health observator­y at NHS Health Scotland, said: “What we see here is a worrying trend. Life expectancy not only gives an indication of how long people are likely to live, but also serves as a ‘warning light’ for the public’s health.

“In addition, the fact socioecono­mic position now plays a bigger role in how long you live than it did before is cause for concern.

“There are likely to be a number of factors at play. The strongest candidates are recent policies that address recent economic setbacks which have reduced spending on benefits, squeezed incomes and trapped people in poverty – these may all have contribute­d.

“Cuts to council budgets and pressures on key local services, such as social care, could also have had an impact.

“There have been some severe flu outbreaks in recent years which will have increased demands on services too.”

The trends mean it would take nearly 21 years to add a year to a woman’s life expectancy, and 11.5 years to add a year to a man’s.

Over the previous 20 years – 1992 to 2011 – gains were much faster, taking just five-and-a-half to add a year to a woman’s life expectancy and four years for a man.

Scotland has the lowest life expectancy in the UK and under current rates will not catch up with England’s 2016 level until 2058 for women and 2045 for men.

Public Health Minister Joe FitzPatric­k said: “Over the long term, life expectancy and healthy life expectancy in Scotland have increased. However, it is difficult to pinpoint the cause of changing trends.

“The issues are complex and relate to an ageing population, inequaliti­es, deprivatio­n and poverty.

“The report suggests the pattern is similar in England and Wales, the USA, Iceland and Northern Ireland and that austerity is having a hugely adverse impact.

“We remain focused on addressing the underlying causes that drive health inequaliti­es.”

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