The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

High Street has too many shops


Madam, – There has been a lot written about the regenerati­on of Kirkcaldy High Street since the recent sale of the Postings and the closure of Marks and Spencer. The fact is, like many towns up and down the country, Kirkcaldy has too many shops. With 20% of retail trade now online and shopping patterns changing we just do not need so many shops.

Kirkcaldy High Street cannot compete with the unlimited free parking and convenient shopping experience that Chapel Level can provide.

If Kirkcaldy High Street is to survive the planners have to acknowledg­e that chain stores and many multiple retailers now reside at Chapel Level and other users have to be found for the High Street. There is just no way large retailers will be enticed there unless footfall can be increased considerab­ly.

Maybe a mix of individual or boutique shops, restaurant­s and leisure facilities, with some housing, is the way forward?

Possibly the High Street needs reopening to cars, and main car parks need to be free in order to attract shoppers back to the town centre?

Whatever the answer, Kirkcaldy High Street, and others like it, have to adapt to the new world and hopefully Fife Council will quickly pull all interested parties together and come up with a strategy soon. Martin Dibley.

56 High Street East, Anstruther.

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