The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

War of words in Angus over the Tay Cities Deal

POLITICS: Deputy council leader accuses Scottish Government of ‘dragging their feet’


A war of words has broken out after the deputy leader of Angus Council slammed opposition critics who claim the council is a “junior partner” in the Tay Cities Deal – leaving the county “short-changed”.

Councillor Angus Macmillan Douglas, who also serves as the coalition administra­tion’s finance supremo said the “petty political point-scoring” is harming the local economy, and accused the Scottish Government of “dragging their feet” on aspects of the deal.

However, the claims were met with a robust response from a Holyrood spokespers­on who said the Scottish Government “is meeting our commitment in full”.

Mr Macmillan Douglas said: “This petty political point-scoring for shortterm gain frankly flies in the face of the facts.

“The deal involves both the UK and Scottish Government­s investing across Angus, Dundee, north Fife and Perth and Kinross. This money is intended to be a catalyst for partners in the private and public sectors to deliver a much greater economic and employment benefit for the whole region, and petty jealousies will only threaten the potential that the deal delivers.”

The £700 million deal initiative aims to create in excess of 6,000 jobs across Tayside and Fife.

The Scottish and UK government­s have each committed to investing up to £150m throughout a 10-15 year period.

Mr Macmillan Douglas added: “The UK Government is planning to invest around £30m in Angus, and this represents some 20% of the total UK government investment in a county that contains some 20% of the population of the region – that’s not being shortchang­ed by any stretch.”

The deputy leader then rounded on the Scottish Government for “dragging their feet” on two projects mentioned in the deal. He said: “The building of a rail head to connect Montrose port to the UK-wide rail network and building a Montrose to A90 road link are matters devolved to the Scottish Government.

“However, there is little sign of movement on these key projects, and I would urge the SNP group on the council to get their Holyrood colleagues to deliver for Angus.”

The local authority sought to distance itself from the row. An Angus Council spokesman said: “This is a personal and political view from Councillor Macmillan Douglas and accordingl­y, we will not provide further comment.”

A spokespers­on for Finance Secretary Derek MacKay said: “Councillor Macmillan Douglas calls for an end to what he calls petty political pointscori­ng and then goes on to indulge in exactly that. The fact is that the UK Government reneged on the promises they made for the Tay Cities Deal – unlike the SNP government which is meeting our commitment in full.”

 ?? Picture: Paul Reid. ?? Councillor Angus Macmillan Douglas blasted critics.
Picture: Paul Reid. Councillor Angus Macmillan Douglas blasted critics.

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