The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Sturgeon: People’s lives will change

First minister warns of significan­t disruption on a day-to-day basis


Nicola Sturgeon has warned of disruption to people’s day-to-day lives due to the outbreak of coronaviru­s in Scotland.

She said mass gatherings of more than 500 people will be cancelled to ease pressure on the NHS rather than as an effective way of delaying the spread of Covid-19.

Giving a statement outlining the new advice after the UK moved from trying to contain the Covid-19 outbreak to a delay phase, Scotland’s first minister said anyone with even mild symptoms indicative of coronaviru­s should selfisolat­e for seven days.

Speaking at a press conference in St Andrew’s House in Edinburgh after the Cobra meeting, Ms Sturgeon said: “We are entering a period where there will be significan­t changes to people’s day-to-day experience­s.

“That is going to affect all of us and the difficult judgments that are involved in that have to be taken.

“Our responsibi­lity is to do that in a way that protects – as far as possible – our ability as a society to deal with the impact of what we are going to be facing.”

The number of confirmed cases in Scotland almost doubled from 36 to 60 in the latest daily figures, released at 2pm yesterday, which showed 2,892 tests have been carried out so far, with 2,832 tests confirmed negative.

There are now four patients in Tayside and three in Fife.

Large gatherings of more than 500 people that require police or paramedics, or could impact on the health service, will be cancelled from Monday. The decision was taken by the Scottish Government, rather than at a UK-wide level, Ms Sturgeon said, and would apply to events such as large football and rugby matches and concerts.

She added: “This is not an ordinary situation and I know the wider public understand that. This is not a move that we are making because the science has told us it will have a significan­t impact on the spread of the virus – on the contrary, the scientist tell us that it will not have a significan­t impact.”

In addition to the “consistenc­y of public messaging at a time like this”, the first minister said the most important reason was to not put unnecessar­y strain on the frontline emergency services.

She said: “We know that certain events have an impact on our policing and frontline health services, accident and emergency and ambulance services.

“Our health services in particular will be under acute pressure in the weeks and months to come and I think it incumbent on government to do what we can to remove unnecessar­y burdens.”

Specific symptoms which would require self-isolation would be “a fever or a persistent cough,” Ms Sturgeon explained, adding people will not be routinely tested.

While the advice for schools and universiti­es continues to be to remain open, she said overseas school trips should not go ahead.

She said the schools decision remains “under close, ongoing review”, adding their closure would have a direct impact on front-line staff who are parents.

Sir, – Nicola Sturgeon’s been in the media talking about possible selfisolat­ion for many Scots.

No change there then. She’s spent decades campaignin­g for Scotland to self-isolate. Martin Redfern. Woodcroft Road, Edinburgh.

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