The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Davey in call for return of Swinson


Liberal Democrat boss Ed Davey has backed calls for Jo Swinson to return to frontline politics.

The former UK party leader, who lost her East Dunbartons­hire Westminste­r seat at last year’s general election, is understood to be “seriously considerin­g” a run at Holyrood next year.

Mr Davey, who took the reins of the party as acting leader in December, said Ms Swinson would make a “great” addition to the Scottish Parliament.

He said: “Getting her back into frontline politics would be great news for the Lib Dems, great news for people in Scotland and the UK.”

Ahead of what was supposed to be the Lib Dems’ spring conference in York this weekend before the coronaviru­s outbreak, he also took aim at the SNP.

The former energy minister said: “The tumbling oil prices show the the whole case for independen­ce is built on sand.”

Mr Davey went on to criticise the political row between Edinburgh and London over the Cop26 climate summit in Glasgow.

It was claimed the UK Government threatened to move the event after discoverin­g the Scottish Government had already booked a key venue.

The row escalated when it was reported Boris Johnson had called Nicola Sturgeon “that bloody Wee Jimmy Krankie woman” during a heated meeting about the summit.

Mr Davey said of the climate summit: “If the host country is not getting a grip, there are problems. These are the most important talks, more important than Brexit.

“They are happening in Glasgow, months away, and we have Downing Street and Bute House at loggerhead­s.

“One wants to say to Sturgeon and Johnson ‘grow up. This is a climate emergency – your egos are not what’s at stake’.

“I am deeply disappoint­ed. I don’t expect to be anything other than disappoint­ed by Boris Johnson.

“Sturgeon claims to care about it, but she’s letting us down on the biggest issue of the moment and she’s not doing what I think is necessary on Cop26.”

The SNP have been contacted for comment.

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