The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Citizen’s income would protect everyone


Sir, – Much of our working population is now being paid by the government, and many of the organisati­ons which previously employed them will either have to cut staff dramatical­ly or will go out of business in the coming depression.

And, in the longer term, huge numbers will be made redundant due to automation and artificial intelligen­ce.

Even those in the middle classes who were previously largely unaffected by such considerat­ions will be condemned to a life of poverty and hopelessne­ss.

So is it not about time serious considerat­ion be given to bringing in a citizen’s income?

Instead of employing a huge army to assess, administer and police the benefit system, with all its intricacie­s, inadequaci­es and unfairness, just give every citizen a set amount sufficient for them to live on, no strings, as of right.

This would, at a stroke, free people from the dread of poverty caused by redundancy, illness, lack of qualificat­ions, and most of this money would go straight back into the local economy, supporting local business.

It would also reduce the scourge of child poverty, and hopefully dramatical­ly improve the mental health of the nation.

Such a system would be much simpler and cheaper to run, and some of the people no longer required to run the benefits system could switch to focus on eradicatin­g tax evasion and avoidance which, with proper legislatio­n and strong government support, could, in tandem with the savings on the benefit system, bring in enough money to pay for the whole thing.

And the recipients would be free to pursue their own interests, develop their creativity and, hopefully, be happy.

Les Mackay. 5 Carmichael Gardens, Dundee .

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