The Courier & Advertiser (Fife Edition)

Fife MP slams MoD’s £1.35 billion mistakes

Report suggests same errors being made 30 years after being highlighte­d


A Fife MP has lifted the lid on “astonishin­g and deeply worrying” mistakes made by the Ministry of Defence, which have led to the costs of replacing Britain’s nuclear weapons and nuclear submarines soaring by a staggering £1.35 billion.

Glenrothes and Central Fife SNP MP Peter Grant, who sits on parliament’s public accounts committee, has described the situation as “unacceptab­le” following the release of a new report that suggests errors made by the MoD are being repeated more than 30 years after they were first highlighte­d by Britain’s public spending watchdog.

A report by the public accounts committee revealed the Ministry of Defence has left the taxpayer to shoulder cost increases due to the MoD’s poor contract design and management.

Mr Grant said: “Whatever anyone’s views on the rights and wrongs of nuclear weapons, the fact is that basic mistakes by the MoD have meant the cost of replacing these weapons has more than doubled on the original estimates and a key part of this work, building the facility to actually manufactur­e the nuclear warheads, is over six years behind schedule.

“This is bad enough but the public accounts committee has found that a major cause of delays and overspends has been the Ministry of Defence making the same mistakes they were making over 30 years ago.

“It’s astonishin­g and deeply worrying that they have failed to learn from earlier mistakes.

“For example the MoD awarded a contract to build the factory to manufactur­e the nuclear reactor cores that power nuclear submarines.

“They did this before they had finalised the design of the reactor cores themselves.

“Once the design of the reactors was finalised they discovered they were building a factory that was too small to build them.”

The MoD said regretted” the waste.

The department also admitted costs could keep rising, as its poor contract design has left the taxpayer to assume financial risk, while doing little to incentivis­e contractor­s to improve their performanc­e.

The report found the risks associated with nuclear programmes, civil or military, are too large for private companies and must be managed by the department, regardless of whether it owns the relevant sites or not.

Meg Hillier MP, chairwoman of the public accounts committee, said: “To utterly fail to learn from mistakes over decades, to spectacula­rly repeat the same mistakes at huge cost to the taxpayer – and at huge cost to confidence in our defence capabiliti­es – is completely unacceptab­le.”

The cost of replacing these weapons has more than doubled on the original estimates. PETER GRANT



 ?? Picture: PA. ?? Glenrothes and Central Fife SNP MP Peter Grant said no matter where you stand on the nucleur weapons debate, what could not be disputed were the costly mistakes.
Picture: PA. Glenrothes and Central Fife SNP MP Peter Grant said no matter where you stand on the nucleur weapons debate, what could not be disputed were the costly mistakes.
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